Semua orang tahu bahawa kalau meninggalkan solat tu, adalah dosa besar, dan malahan lebih hina drpd khinzir.. Betapa hinanya kita kalau meninggalkan solat spt yg dikisahkan pd zaman NabiMusa A.S
Begini kisahnya... pada zaman Nabi Musa, ada seorang lelaki yg sudah berumahtangga , dia tak de zuriat lalu, terdetik dlm hati dia (nazar), "kalau aku dpt anak, aku akan minum air kencing anjing hitam." Nak dijadikan cerita, Allah pun kurniakan isteri si lelaki tadi pun hamil dan melahirkan anak. Bila dah dpt anak, laki ni pun runsinglah.. . Dia dah nazar nak kena minum air kencing anjing hitam.
Syariat pd zaman Nabi Musa berbeza dgn syariat yg turun utk umat Nabi Muhammad. kalau umat Nabi Muhammad, nazar benda yg haram, maka tak payah buat, tapi kena denda(dam) atau sedekah.. Tapi, kalau zaman Nabi Musa, brgsiapa bernazar, walaupun haram,tetap kena laksanakan nazar tu..lalu, si lelaki yg dapat anak tu, dgn susah hatinya, pun pegilah bertemu dgn Nabi-Allah Musa.. Dan menceritakan apa yg terjadi ke atas dirinya..lalu, Nabi Musa menjawab bahawa lelaki tu xpayah minum air kencing anjing hitam, tapi akan minum air yg lebih hina dr air kencing anjing hitam.
Nabi Musa perintahkan lelaki tersebut utk pergi menadah air yg jatuh dr bumbung rumah orang yg meninggalkan sembahyang dan minum air tu. lalu, lelaki tu pun senang hati, menjalankan apa yg diperintahkan oleh Nabi Musa tadi...
Lihat.. betapa hinanya org yg meninggalkan solat, sampai dikatakan air yg jatuh dr bumbung rumah dia, lbh hina dr air kencing anjing hitam.. Itu baru air bumbung rumah, belum air tangan lagi.. Menyentuh bab air tangan ni, selalu kita suka makan masakan ibu, isteri kita. Jadi, kepada muslimat sekalian, peliharalah solat, sbb kalau meninggalkan solat (kalau tak uzur), air tangan akan menitik ke dalam basuhan makanan, nasi, dsb..anak-anak, suami pulak yg akan makan makanan yg dimasak. takkan nak biarkan suami & anak2 gelap hati minum air tangan org tinggalkan solat..tak gamakkan? tapi.. lain pulak halnya dgn kita ni.. pagi petang..
mamak!! teh tarik satu, roti canai satu.. ada pulak segelintir tukang masak yg tak solat.. kita pun makan bekas air tangan dia...gelap lah hati kita.. sbb tu liat nak buat keja2 yg baik. beware apa yg kita makan... betapa beratnya amalan solat ni, hatta Allah syariatkan solat kepada Nabi Muhammad melalui Isra' Mikraj, sedangkan kewajipan2 lain memadai diutus melalui Jibril a. s.
Ketika saat Rasulullah nazak, sempat baginda berpesan kpd Saidina Ali (&utk umat Islam) , "As-solah as Solah wa amalakat aimanukum." maknanya,"Solat, solat jgn sekali kamu abaikan dan peliharalah org2 yg lemah di bawah tanggunganmu.
" jadi, sama2lah kita pelihara solat kita, dr segi zahir & batinnya, kerana amalan solatlah amalan yg mula2 akan ditimbang di neraca Mizan kelak
I blog about anything. It's a place to express myself. Welcome aboard to BLOG-a-BLA-BLA

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
End of day, 28th Ramadhan...
In the midst i'm blogging, need to attend to job responsibilty.
Without realizing it, the time has come to the end of office hour - so i need to pack and go home the earliest today... since me my family plan to begin our journey to my hometown for raya celebration before iftar.
So, i will pause here for today.. will continue later after raya holiday on Tok Mek's story....
So, wishing you SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.. Salam Lebaran... Take care... Have a safe and pleasant journey wherever you are.... and please pray for our safe journey as well....
On the last note before i pause, would really appreciate if you could sadaqah Al-Fatihah to Al-Marhumah Wan Esah bt Wan Abdul Rahman. May she is blessed in the hereafter and may she belongs to 'ahli2 syurga'... Amiin....
~ written by mamacares who misses Tok Mek so much... esp during raya... Mek, raya tahun ini terasa amat kelam & suram tanpa mu... ~
Without realizing it, the time has come to the end of office hour - so i need to pack and go home the earliest today... since me my family plan to begin our journey to my hometown for raya celebration before iftar.
So, i will pause here for today.. will continue later after raya holiday on Tok Mek's story....
So, wishing you SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.. Salam Lebaran... Take care... Have a safe and pleasant journey wherever you are.... and please pray for our safe journey as well....
On the last note before i pause, would really appreciate if you could sadaqah Al-Fatihah to Al-Marhumah Wan Esah bt Wan Abdul Rahman. May she is blessed in the hereafter and may she belongs to 'ahli2 syurga'... Amiin....
~ written by mamacares who misses Tok Mek so much... esp during raya... Mek, raya tahun ini terasa amat kelam & suram tanpa mu... ~
About Tok Mek's health deteriorating - 30th Aug 2007
5am, 30th Aug 2007 - My family and i safely arrived at my hometown, after 7 hours journey from Sepang. Perghh... back ache for sitting so long, with Imran sleeping on my lap.
Get to know that my uncle ( Tok Mek's 4th son) from Johor is already here, and he and his wife are taking their turn to take care Tok Mek during day session since yesterday afternoon after they arrived in the morning. Well, i thought Mak Su sat the whole day by her own yesterday, taking care of Tok Mek... good to know that P'cik and Che Ani is by Tok Mek's side already.
What lingers in my head is, where is her 1st son, my Pak Long?? He resides just abt 15 minutes journey from our home, and yet can't he offered any help? can't he think that his ONLY mother is about to leave, can't he be more sensitive towards her?? Urrghh... enuf said about that...
At noon, i thought of taking my turn to take care Tok Mek after noon session, but after a long journey last night, i still feel drowzy and tired. So i decided to swap with Wanie who has been taking care of Tok Mek for two nigts in a row already...
Around 5pm, after packing some food for me to chew during the night, my family and i headed to Tok Mek's ward. When i arrived beside her bed, it was really agonising for me to see how old and how weak she looks. At the time we arrived, she was having bad vomitting, had been continuos after she took her lunch. My heart shakes seeing her condition... i felt so weak, but i can't let other family members see how i feel. Imran suddenly becomes cranky, weeping and grabbing me to lift him up. I passed him to my husband, and he took him out of the ward.
I get nearer to Tok Mek's side, together with my aunty, Che Ani, and a nurse we clean up her vomit, change her blouse, change pillow case, change bedsheet when suddenly she threw-up again... and again.. and again... After 4 times we changed bedsheet and her blouse, she stopped vomitting. I asked Che Ani, how's her condition today? She said that the whole day since she arrined in the morning, Tok Mek had been sleeping, even when lunch time came, Che Ani had to wake her up and force a bit of food for her to swallow. Then she get back to her sleep. Che Ani also mentioned that she was not like this yesterday, where she still speaks and not sleeping the whole day.
By 6pm, a stream of relatives flooded her bedside with a lot of questions being thrown to us. As if what happened to Tok Mek is our fault. We, the immediate family members were being pushed aside.... Ok, then.... we gave them space to visit Tok Mek but what makes us uncomfortable is that they kept shaking Tok Mek so she open her eyes and see that they are visiting her!! Just let her rest, for goodness.... she just had a bad vomitting session.... and they knew it because we have informed them earlier.
We were told that TOk Mek need to be moved to CCU, because her heart condition is getting weaker even after a series of whateva medications that the doctor has given her. Why CCU? Because it is alot easier for the nurses to take care and also for them to ahve a close monitor on Tok Mek's condition.
P'cik and Che Ani would like to excuse themselves for the day. I said ok, since it's already near 7pm and they have been in the ward the whole day, they need to be refreshed as well.
Just near Maghrib, suddenly Tok Mek vomit blood!! A heavy clot of blood coming out from her mouth continuosly until my heart beats faster than ever... Is it time? Will it be now... with a lot of relatives still surrounding her??
All the tissue that is available has been used to wipe the blood, even a piece of high quality handkerchief that was left by Che Ani has to be thrown away cos the blood smells so bad...
And suddenly, i saw Pok Long with his family and sis-in-laws came in.
The relatives (mostly is her nieces and nephews who came to visit only today), try to persuade us to bring Tok Mek hoem so that they can read Yassin together besides her, for a speedy recovery. After we speaks to each other, and after i called Che Ani and consult with her (she was a medical practitioner at PPUM before she retired), we decided to let Tok Mek stay in ward so that the doctors can still monitor her. If we take her out from here, what else can we do? In here, with the continous visits from relatives who will never leave Tok Mek without reciting Yassin for her recovery, we will also have nurses and doctors. Well, in reality, we are still hoping for her to recover with the help from those medication supplied to her.
After 8.30pm, everyone has gone home, including Pok Long and family. Now left my mom and me for our night shift. Tok Mek's condition still not improved... she still shut her eyes, sleeping i guess.... and at times struggling to let go her arms. (nurses had to tie her arms to the bedside since she always pull the oksigen mask from her mouth, and another tube that had been inserted inside her esofagus through her nose for the blood vomit go through). Sometimes, she opened her eyes and asked for a drop of water. I will spoonfed her with air Zam-zam, about 2 or 3 spoons. Then she will get back to her rest.
It was almost 11pm, all other patients around us has already slept... including their caretaker... I told my mom to get a rest, or go to sleep in the surau or on the sofa couch at the rest space... cos my mom also had a bad knee pain... She can't be in sitting position for too long....
After half an hour my mom left, Tok Mek suddenly opened her eyes, but she looked up, a long stare up in the ceiling... even calling her name does not bring any difference... I was scared.....
~written by mamacare, with the memory of Tok Mek still lingers in my head~
Get to know that my uncle ( Tok Mek's 4th son) from Johor is already here, and he and his wife are taking their turn to take care Tok Mek during day session since yesterday afternoon after they arrived in the morning. Well, i thought Mak Su sat the whole day by her own yesterday, taking care of Tok Mek... good to know that P'cik and Che Ani is by Tok Mek's side already.
What lingers in my head is, where is her 1st son, my Pak Long?? He resides just abt 15 minutes journey from our home, and yet can't he offered any help? can't he think that his ONLY mother is about to leave, can't he be more sensitive towards her?? Urrghh... enuf said about that...
At noon, i thought of taking my turn to take care Tok Mek after noon session, but after a long journey last night, i still feel drowzy and tired. So i decided to swap with Wanie who has been taking care of Tok Mek for two nigts in a row already...
Around 5pm, after packing some food for me to chew during the night, my family and i headed to Tok Mek's ward. When i arrived beside her bed, it was really agonising for me to see how old and how weak she looks. At the time we arrived, she was having bad vomitting, had been continuos after she took her lunch. My heart shakes seeing her condition... i felt so weak, but i can't let other family members see how i feel. Imran suddenly becomes cranky, weeping and grabbing me to lift him up. I passed him to my husband, and he took him out of the ward.
I get nearer to Tok Mek's side, together with my aunty, Che Ani, and a nurse we clean up her vomit, change her blouse, change pillow case, change bedsheet when suddenly she threw-up again... and again.. and again... After 4 times we changed bedsheet and her blouse, she stopped vomitting. I asked Che Ani, how's her condition today? She said that the whole day since she arrined in the morning, Tok Mek had been sleeping, even when lunch time came, Che Ani had to wake her up and force a bit of food for her to swallow. Then she get back to her sleep. Che Ani also mentioned that she was not like this yesterday, where she still speaks and not sleeping the whole day.
By 6pm, a stream of relatives flooded her bedside with a lot of questions being thrown to us. As if what happened to Tok Mek is our fault. We, the immediate family members were being pushed aside.... Ok, then.... we gave them space to visit Tok Mek but what makes us uncomfortable is that they kept shaking Tok Mek so she open her eyes and see that they are visiting her!! Just let her rest, for goodness.... she just had a bad vomitting session.... and they knew it because we have informed them earlier.
We were told that TOk Mek need to be moved to CCU, because her heart condition is getting weaker even after a series of whateva medications that the doctor has given her. Why CCU? Because it is alot easier for the nurses to take care and also for them to ahve a close monitor on Tok Mek's condition.
P'cik and Che Ani would like to excuse themselves for the day. I said ok, since it's already near 7pm and they have been in the ward the whole day, they need to be refreshed as well.
Just near Maghrib, suddenly Tok Mek vomit blood!! A heavy clot of blood coming out from her mouth continuosly until my heart beats faster than ever... Is it time? Will it be now... with a lot of relatives still surrounding her??
All the tissue that is available has been used to wipe the blood, even a piece of high quality handkerchief that was left by Che Ani has to be thrown away cos the blood smells so bad...
And suddenly, i saw Pok Long with his family and sis-in-laws came in.
The relatives (mostly is her nieces and nephews who came to visit only today), try to persuade us to bring Tok Mek hoem so that they can read Yassin together besides her, for a speedy recovery. After we speaks to each other, and after i called Che Ani and consult with her (she was a medical practitioner at PPUM before she retired), we decided to let Tok Mek stay in ward so that the doctors can still monitor her. If we take her out from here, what else can we do? In here, with the continous visits from relatives who will never leave Tok Mek without reciting Yassin for her recovery, we will also have nurses and doctors. Well, in reality, we are still hoping for her to recover with the help from those medication supplied to her.
After 8.30pm, everyone has gone home, including Pok Long and family. Now left my mom and me for our night shift. Tok Mek's condition still not improved... she still shut her eyes, sleeping i guess.... and at times struggling to let go her arms. (nurses had to tie her arms to the bedside since she always pull the oksigen mask from her mouth, and another tube that had been inserted inside her esofagus through her nose for the blood vomit go through). Sometimes, she opened her eyes and asked for a drop of water. I will spoonfed her with air Zam-zam, about 2 or 3 spoons. Then she will get back to her rest.
It was almost 11pm, all other patients around us has already slept... including their caretaker... I told my mom to get a rest, or go to sleep in the surau or on the sofa couch at the rest space... cos my mom also had a bad knee pain... She can't be in sitting position for too long....
After half an hour my mom left, Tok Mek suddenly opened her eyes, but she looked up, a long stare up in the ceiling... even calling her name does not bring any difference... I was scared.....
~written by mamacare, with the memory of Tok Mek still lingers in my head~
28th Ramadhan1428H
Hmm... i've been silent for quite sometime already. Jan2007 was my last post!! Very accurate to my blog title - Not-Really-A-Blogger. hehehe....
Nway, for the past few mths, sure lots of things happened in my life.
What i wanna share here, not really share... just letting go how i feel... I lost my dearest grandma on peaceful morning of 1st Sept 2007. Today, it is the 40th day of her absence from my family's life.
It all began with a call from my mom, on 28th Aug evening... informing that she was at emergency unit in HUSM, accompanying my sister who decided to bring Tok Mek (as she was fondly called by immediate family members) to hospital after she complained that it is so painful for her to move anymore. According to my mom, she heard a loud 'bump' from Tok Mek's room before dawn the day before. When she rushed to see what was happening, Tok Mek is already on the floor, gasping for help to lift her up. Apparently, she felt down while trying to be off bed, to get ready for Subuh prayer. Since then, she was not able to move around like before. I don't know whether she was sent to a clinic immediately or not, but knowing Tok Mek, she would refuse to go even if you insist.
Ok, back to emergency unit... at about 9pm, i called my mom asking the progress. My sister (Wanie) brought her there as she suspected maybe Tok Mek's ageing bones cracked somewhere due to the incident. But to our surprise, the doctor immediately ushered her to ICU before even scanning her bones. What the doctor told Wanie was that her heart was too weak, that's what caused her falling from getting off her bed. The bed where she slept for more than 50years already.
So, there she is, with my sister accompanying her first night being admitted in HUSM.
The next day, 29th Aug 2007, i called my mom in the morning wanting to know any update. My mom said she herself didn't know well because Wanie has yet to come home. Later, Wanie called me, informing about Tok Mek's condition. She told me wht the doctor told her about Tok Mek's heart condition, and how she was during last night where Wanie is always beside her. According to Wanie, she is like her normself, by seeing through our eyes, she seems well, only that she can't move a lot due to the back pain taht she still suffers. But certain conversations alarmed Wanie, that makes she decided to call me. Part of the conversation she had with Tok Mek, she told Wanie that she heard a beautiful chanting of Allah's name and chanting of zikrullah... at 4a.m!! She asked where it was coming from... and Wanie sank in her own world, knowing what was going to happen. She told her, that the zikrullah that she heard was coming from a nearby mosque, where in actual fact, no chanting or call for prayers whtsoever happened at 4o'clock in the morning! Nobody heard anything, neither did Wanie nor the nurses in the ward.
During the day, Tok Mek was accompanied by Mak Su since Wanie need to go to work. Luckily, Wanie works at HUSM too, but at dental section, in another building. After she punched in for work, she would go back to the ward and give Tok Mek a quick fresh wipe up (replacing her morning bath since she can't be moved a lot) and until she settled with her morning calls, Wanie would go back to her work routine till lunch break, where she would visit Tok Mek again in the ward, and take Mak Su out for lunch whilst my mom standby by Tok Mek's bed. Till 5pm, after work, Wanie will visit Tok Mek again and take Mak Su home. My mom took her shift from this time until 10pm at night where Wanie will be accompanying her again.
More alarming conversation with Wanie on tht night... she asked has M'cik Bedah gone back home after visiting her. M'cik Bedah is her cousin, whe passed away about 10 days before she was admitted to HUSM. Wanie calmly told her that M'cik Bedah is no longer aorund, and she just smiles........
By this time, at around 11pm, i was already on the way back home. We were at Lipis when my mom called asking where we were. When i heard the above story from Wanie's sms, it sent a chill thrugh down my spine. Is it the time for me to lose her?
~written by mamacare, with the memory of Tok Mek still strong in my head~
Hmm... i've been silent for quite sometime already. Jan2007 was my last post!! Very accurate to my blog title - Not-Really-A-Blogger. hehehe....
Nway, for the past few mths, sure lots of things happened in my life.
What i wanna share here, not really share... just letting go how i feel... I lost my dearest grandma on peaceful morning of 1st Sept 2007. Today, it is the 40th day of her absence from my family's life.
It all began with a call from my mom, on 28th Aug evening... informing that she was at emergency unit in HUSM, accompanying my sister who decided to bring Tok Mek (as she was fondly called by immediate family members) to hospital after she complained that it is so painful for her to move anymore. According to my mom, she heard a loud 'bump' from Tok Mek's room before dawn the day before. When she rushed to see what was happening, Tok Mek is already on the floor, gasping for help to lift her up. Apparently, she felt down while trying to be off bed, to get ready for Subuh prayer. Since then, she was not able to move around like before. I don't know whether she was sent to a clinic immediately or not, but knowing Tok Mek, she would refuse to go even if you insist.
Ok, back to emergency unit... at about 9pm, i called my mom asking the progress. My sister (Wanie) brought her there as she suspected maybe Tok Mek's ageing bones cracked somewhere due to the incident. But to our surprise, the doctor immediately ushered her to ICU before even scanning her bones. What the doctor told Wanie was that her heart was too weak, that's what caused her falling from getting off her bed. The bed where she slept for more than 50years already.
So, there she is, with my sister accompanying her first night being admitted in HUSM.
The next day, 29th Aug 2007, i called my mom in the morning wanting to know any update. My mom said she herself didn't know well because Wanie has yet to come home. Later, Wanie called me, informing about Tok Mek's condition. She told me wht the doctor told her about Tok Mek's heart condition, and how she was during last night where Wanie is always beside her. According to Wanie, she is like her normself, by seeing through our eyes, she seems well, only that she can't move a lot due to the back pain taht she still suffers. But certain conversations alarmed Wanie, that makes she decided to call me. Part of the conversation she had with Tok Mek, she told Wanie that she heard a beautiful chanting of Allah's name and chanting of zikrullah... at 4a.m!! She asked where it was coming from... and Wanie sank in her own world, knowing what was going to happen. She told her, that the zikrullah that she heard was coming from a nearby mosque, where in actual fact, no chanting or call for prayers whtsoever happened at 4o'clock in the morning! Nobody heard anything, neither did Wanie nor the nurses in the ward.
During the day, Tok Mek was accompanied by Mak Su since Wanie need to go to work. Luckily, Wanie works at HUSM too, but at dental section, in another building. After she punched in for work, she would go back to the ward and give Tok Mek a quick fresh wipe up (replacing her morning bath since she can't be moved a lot) and until she settled with her morning calls, Wanie would go back to her work routine till lunch break, where she would visit Tok Mek again in the ward, and take Mak Su out for lunch whilst my mom standby by Tok Mek's bed. Till 5pm, after work, Wanie will visit Tok Mek again and take Mak Su home. My mom took her shift from this time until 10pm at night where Wanie will be accompanying her again.
More alarming conversation with Wanie on tht night... she asked has M'cik Bedah gone back home after visiting her. M'cik Bedah is her cousin, whe passed away about 10 days before she was admitted to HUSM. Wanie calmly told her that M'cik Bedah is no longer aorund, and she just smiles........
By this time, at around 11pm, i was already on the way back home. We were at Lipis when my mom called asking where we were. When i heard the above story from Wanie's sms, it sent a chill thrugh down my spine. Is it the time for me to lose her?
~written by mamacare, with the memory of Tok Mek still strong in my head~
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