Hmm... kalau tgk kat Wendy dah basi dah kek ni... dia dah r&d in 2010 lagi.. tapi knp ku baru terjumpa? Hari tu ternampak kat blog Ayu S'pore ni... since nama dia sungguh pelik, RATU pun jenguk le tgk resepi... tgk ingredient tak susah.. out of curiosity, RATU baca semua link yang Ayu & Wendy letak berkaitan dgn DDL ni...
At 1 point it turns me off from trying sbb Wendy clearly mentioned that DDL can only be perfectly achieved if we use condensed milk, not condensed sweetener that is normally being sold in Malaysia.
Balik rumah tgk stok, alaaarr.. it's F&N condensed sweetener. Takpelah, put the recipe onhold. The next day, terjalan ke rumah AlongRoz ternampak yg dia pernah try buat using condensed sweetener, so apalagi... hatiku membuak2 le nak try gak.
I c&p resipi from rumah AyuS'pore ye... mintak Ayu izinkan... kalau ada ubah RATU ada indicate in italic tu... bukan derhaka, tp stok takde... huhuhuh... meh kita layan pix & resipi dulu.. then kita tgk ghuper DDL tu camne.... RATU pny DDL tak semenggah langsung... jauh langit dgn bumi kalau nk banding dgn AyuS'pore & Wendy punya.
Dulce De Leche Pound Cake
(adapted and modified from Pichet Ong's The Sweet Spot Condense Milk Pound Cake)
250g unsalted butter, room temperature-(Ayu used salted) - RATU ada lepa susu FARMCOWS je.. hahaha.. belasah.. endend up the cake is quite oily...240g top flour-(Ayu reduced slightly 220g)
3/4 tsp baking powder
106g castor sugar, reduced to 80g-(Ayu used 60g) - RATU ikut sukatan Ayu... tp kalau org kuat manis mkn, mmg akan komplen tawar la... maybe 80g is ok.1 tsp vanilla extract
239g Dulce De Leche -(Ayu used 304g-abt 1 cup)
3 large eggs-(Ayu used 4 small eggs)
Preheat oven to 160C. Butter and flour a 9" x 5" loaf pan, set aside.
Sift flour and baking powder together, set aside.
Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add DDL and vanilla and mix until well combined.
Add the flour mixture and beat until no traces of flour remains.
Beat in eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.
Scrape batter into prepared pan and smooth the top. Bake in preheated oven for 60mins or until a skewer test comes out clean.
Cool completely on wired rack before unmolding, serve as desire.
Komen RATU: Tak sangka en hubby suka... he's not a cake fan... tp amazed tgk dia leh ulang mkn few pieces of the cake at one time. Rasa kek ni... very creamy and buttery. Lebih kurang mcm rasa kek butter tp lagi sedap and moist gile. Try le...
I blog about anything. It's a place to express myself. Welcome aboard to BLOG-a-BLA-BLA

Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Menu sempoi... anak2 nk makan, buat sendiri la puas hati sket...
2 cawan jagung
1 sudu besar susu pekat manis
1 susu kecil mentega
secubit garam
sedikit air
1) masukkan jagung dan air dalam periuk.Tutup periuk dan masak guna api medium. (tujuan tutup periuk supaya wap circulate and jagung masak secara menyeluruh )
2) Dlm ms 5 min, buka tutup periuk, check jagung dah masak ke belum... kalau dah, toskan air.. kalau belum, masak sampai air kering
3) sejurus selepas ditos, gaul bhn2 lain tu sekali harung.
4) boleh la hidang panas2.
pencuci mulut,
Monday, February 21, 2011
Kek Serupa tapi tak sama
SAje je ni... terjumpa gambar kek bday adik tahun lepas... meh kita tengok... deko nye sama jerr..... apparaa mama nih... after a year takkan takde improvement kot? teruk betul... ni kena tanam azam dan semangat nih,,, tahun depan kek anak2ku akan ada peningkatannya... InsyaAllah....
Monday, February 14, 2011
RED VELVET Birthday Cake
Firstly, nak ucap TAHNIAH pada jiran blog sebelah ni... yang ada suara tapi takde bunyi kononnya... sebab dia dah jumpa tedy bear idaman dia... hik..hik..hik..
Secondly, sbb jiran blog ni jugak lah RATU telah mengusahakan jugak buat kek bday adik ni KEK RED VELVET... ha amik ko! Ingat nk kasi aku rasa, tp gi kasi kat org... meh aku buat sendiri.. pueh ati... nyumm..nyumm.... Seb baik dah pernah rasa semulut dua ari tu dengan teman2 ku... so bila dah buat ni, dah tahu rasa macam mana... dan bila taste kek ni, yessss..... sama..... so kira jadi lah resepi nih... heheheheh... sukak..sukak....

K.Long dah terjangkit jiran blog aku ni bergambar nampaknya... haish.... influence... influence.... err... perasan tak kek itu tidak le semerah kek RV lain... sebabnye.... kat rumah takde stok pewarna merah, yang ada kaler pink... that's why kek ni nmpk mcm kek coklat yang tak berapa coklat jer... heheh....
Secondly, sbb jiran blog ni jugak lah RATU telah mengusahakan jugak buat kek bday adik ni KEK RED VELVET... ha amik ko! Ingat nk kasi aku rasa, tp gi kasi kat org... meh aku buat sendiri.. pueh ati... nyumm..nyumm.... Seb baik dah pernah rasa semulut dua ari tu dengan teman2 ku... so bila dah buat ni, dah tahu rasa macam mana... dan bila taste kek ni, yessss..... sama..... so kira jadi lah resepi nih... heheheheh... sukak..sukak....
This kek is definitely being shortlisted for projek June 2011 nanti... but masa buat ni, cream cheese takde stock kat rumah, so RATU just topping kek tu dgn fresh cream. My review, since i ate the one with cream cheese topping previously, yes, cream cheese topping adds to the richness of the buttermilk taste in the cake.. Kalau makan dgn icing glaze or fresh cream mcm RATU buat ni, a bit bland rasa dia... takde partner.. in my view lah....
************************this section is for RV recipe********************************
ni je gambar yang sempat disnap utk upacara memotong kek birthday red velvet adik.... Happy Birthday sayang.... kami doakan adik membesar dgn sehat dan menjadi anak solehah dan berjaya di dlm segala bidang yg diceburi dengan sentiasa mendapat keberkatan Ilahi... solat jgn tinggal nak ye... ayah, mama, k.long & a.ngah loves you so much! You are officially 3yo on 14th FEB 2011. :-)

K.Long dah terjangkit jiran blog aku ni bergambar nampaknya... haish.... influence... influence.... err... perasan tak kek itu tidak le semerah kek RV lain... sebabnye.... kat rumah takde stok pewarna merah, yang ada kaler pink... that's why kek ni nmpk mcm kek coklat yang tak berapa coklat jer... heheh....
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Mari Belajar Bulan-Bulan Islam...:-)
Let's see why this blog not much foodies posts now ----> because mama is busy being a tuition teacher to my kids... hehehe... kat bawah ni is what i prepared alat bantuan mengajar utk anak2 belajar kat rumah or even during journey... i made these out of cereal boxes... now we are talking about recycling ...
**ok, need to introduce recycling in my next syllybus to the kids.. :-)**
**ok, need to introduce recycling in my next syllybus to the kids.. :-)**
now i'm introducing days and months ... this can cover subject English and Mathematics... and Islamic studies also.. cos i also did Hijr Months for them to memorise... oh well, my other source to teach islamic calendar to the kids ---> use it along with nasyid from RAIHAN Bulan-Bulan Islam.. catchy song for kids to memorise... or use the mp3 attched here - can attract kids attention more because it's the voices of kids... of Adikku Sayang....
How i used the above?
1) Teach the kids the name of the months accordingly
2) Introduce the numbers for the months... like January = 1, February = 2.. and so on...
3) Reshuffle the cards.. let the kids arrange it in order.
4) reshuffle the number of the months.. let them match number and months
5) play games with the cards... mix and match or anything you prefer.. eg sing the song.. whoever can finish it correctly wins it! and if it's a game, there should be prizes waiting for the winner... a homemade cupcake will do! nyumm..nyum....
6) teach the concept of BEFORE and AFTER
7) teach the concept of TODAY, TOMORROW and YESTERDAY
*item 6 & 7 are to be taught when the kids properly grasp the idea of months and days*
Oh yes... the lists go on.. you just need to be creative.. and enjoy learning with your kids!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Mushroom Chicken with Sesame Rice
err... pernah makan claypot chicekn rice? hehhehe... teringin nak buat sendiri.. tp kat rumah takde claypot... jadi nasi yang dah masak siang tu, kita goreng plak dengan minyak bijan atas api sederhana panas sampai sekata.... then hidang atas pinggan.
untuk resepi mushroom chicken
4-5 ketul ayam
1 inci halia*
2 ulas bawang putih*
1 ulas bawang merah*
segenggam mushroom hitam - direndam dengan air panas sehingga lembut
sos tiram
kicap pekat
kicap manis
garam & gula
3 cawan air
black pepper (kalau suka)
Cara2: Masukkan semua dalam periuk or kuali, masak atas api sederhana... renehkan sampai air menjadi pekat dan berkuah sedikit sahaja... kalau terasa kuah agak cair, campurkan 1 sudu besar tepung jagung yang dicampu dengan sedikit air
Komen RATU: Ayam tu dah ada dah rasa ayam claypot... kalau lah ada claypot, sure satu rumah mintak buat lagi... err.. hari tu ngap sorang je sebab satu rumah tak suka bau dan rasa minyak bijan... that's why resepi kat atas tu utk sorang je makan... hehehhe
Friday, February 11, 2011
Petua turunkan suhu demam anak
BREAK! Hehhehe... cuti CNY panjang2.... planned nk masak mcm2 le kat family... tp ye lah kan, kita hanya merancang, Allah penentu segala.... ended up check in kat medical centre for 2 nights... My dear angels tak sehat.... meh kita tgk hasil 'tangkapan' last weekend.... hahahhaah... nk habiskan semua orang punya turn mkn ubat ni.. adalah dekat setengah jam.... dgn mcm2 potpet sana sini.. mcm2 excuse tak nk mkn ubat.. mcm2 permintaan nk mkn itu ini kalau berjaya mkn ubat tanpa byk songeh.... haiyohh.... maks lak yg sengal2 badan sekarang nih.... tp ALhamdulillah.... semua dah beransur sembuh sekarang ni.... syukurr.....
mmmm.. tak ingt dah.. ada lagi.. nnt kalau ingat kita tambah lagi yer.... selamat menjaga kesihatan semua ye....
Let me share some tips that i get from wht i've gone through.... kalau anak demam panas:
1) basahkan rambut dan kepala anak dgn air asam jawa or air kangkung
2) bagi minum air kelapa... sebelum pegi jumpa doktor.. once dah makan ubt klinik, then baru nk consume air kelapa, tak berapa nk jadi dah....
3) bg anak minum air 100+ or any same type drinks lah.. nk electrolite kan body anak... cos dia dah byk hilang tenaga...
4) kalau demam mesti ada teman 'batuk' gak... everyday bagi minum air suam + perahan limau nipis +madu... istiqomah for at least a week... tgk ada kurang tak...
5) kalau kat hospital, diorg check temp every 1 or 2 hours... kalau pukul 1pagi tu temp tinggi, pukul 1 pagi tu jugak dia bwk budak mandi.... sounds out of mind kan? tp tht's wht they want to do to my kids... but since ini bukan budak kecik dah.. 3 yo already, maunye meraung ganggu budak2 lain pukul 1-2pg tu.. so dia lap je la dgn air sejuk...
6) kalau budak mengadu sejuk, jgn slowkan kipas or acond... temp persekitaran kena sejuk, takleh panas... ini nurse kat ward tu lah yg sound aku... ikut je la.. nk anak sehat kan... huhuhuh.....
mmmm.. tak ingt dah.. ada lagi.. nnt kalau ingat kita tambah lagi yer.... selamat menjaga kesihatan semua ye....
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Chocolate Hidden Banana Cake
As promised, ni resepi kek bday abg ngah hari tu... sedap.... yg membuatkan ku teruja nk mencuba sbb baca feedback kat blog Wendy yg menggoda ku utk mencuba.... tak sesia tau...
Kalau nk full feedback, gi baca kat blog dia eh... kat sini, kita just c&p rsp cake je ye...
The Cake-33gm cocoa powder
-59gm boiling water
-37.5gm all purpose flour
-37.5gm cake flour
-1 tsp baking powder
-½ tsp sodium bicarbonate
-150gm sugar together
-1/8 tsp salt
-2 large egg yolks
-54gm corn oil
-½ tsp vanilla extract.
-2 large egg whites
A few bananas (hard to tell how many as bananas comes in all different sizes here, some are as long as 8 inches, some 2 inches)
1. In your mixing bowl, combine cocoa powder and boiling water to a smooth paste and set it aside, let it cool down.
2. Preheat your oven at 175C. I did mine at 160C. Line a 9 inch square pan.
3. Combine all purpose flour, cake flour, baking powder, sodium bicarb, sugar and salt. Whisk it.
4. When the cocoa paste has cooled down, put in yolks and oil and beat on medium speed for 1 minute.
5. Put in vanilla and beat for a few seconds.
6. Put in half the dry ingredients (3) and beat on low speed until the dry ingredients are moistened. Put in the balance and beat on high speed for 1 minute.
7. Put in egg whites and whisk on high speed for 2 minutes.
8. Pour batter into lined pan. Cut bananas so that they stick out about 1 inch high from the batter. (I cut mine to short, cos I only had a few). Arrange them in a way so that when you slice the cake, each piece of cake will have one banana hidden. If you plan to cut 16(4x4) pieces, then cut 16 pieces, and if you want to serve 25 (5x5), then cut 25.
9. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until skewer comes out clean
10. Leave cake to cool for 10 minutes and remove from pan to cool down completely on cooling rack. Chill in fridge for 30 minutes, or just freeze it for 10 mins before frosting.
The Ganache (You can do this before the cake)100gm dark chocolate
100gm whipping cream
1. Break chocolate and put into a small whipping bowl.(big enough for you to use the mixer with)
2. Heat whipping cream until there are bubbles along the periphery.
3. Pour scalded cream onto chocolates. Leave for 1 minute.
4. Gently stir the chocolate until a smooth ganache is achieved.
5. Leave to cool, coverand chill in fridge until time of use. Chill the beaters too.
6. When the cake is cool, remove ganache from fridge.
7. Beat ganache until it turns light in colour, like Milo. Do not overbeat.
8. Spread whipped ganache onto cooled cake immediately.
9. Slice cake and serve.
**komen RATU: portion cake kat atas tu perlu didoublekan utk bday kek.. hehehe... RATU tak tahu ukuran loyang yg dipakai tp yg kecik dr biasa.. kalau pakai yg biasa punya (pun tak tahu ukuran) kek tu jd nipis ya amat.... nnt RATu try doublekan sukatan next time, then i'll post the comment here again!
Kalau nk full feedback, gi baca kat blog dia eh... kat sini, kita just c&p rsp cake je ye...
The Cake-33gm cocoa powder
-59gm boiling water
-37.5gm all purpose flour
-37.5gm cake flour
-1 tsp baking powder
-½ tsp sodium bicarbonate
-150gm sugar together
-1/8 tsp salt
-2 large egg yolks
-54gm corn oil
-½ tsp vanilla extract.
-2 large egg whites
A few bananas (hard to tell how many as bananas comes in all different sizes here, some are as long as 8 inches, some 2 inches)
1. In your mixing bowl, combine cocoa powder and boiling water to a smooth paste and set it aside, let it cool down.
2. Preheat your oven at 175C. I did mine at 160C. Line a 9 inch square pan.
3. Combine all purpose flour, cake flour, baking powder, sodium bicarb, sugar and salt. Whisk it.
4. When the cocoa paste has cooled down, put in yolks and oil and beat on medium speed for 1 minute.
5. Put in vanilla and beat for a few seconds.
6. Put in half the dry ingredients (3) and beat on low speed until the dry ingredients are moistened. Put in the balance and beat on high speed for 1 minute.
7. Put in egg whites and whisk on high speed for 2 minutes.
8. Pour batter into lined pan. Cut bananas so that they stick out about 1 inch high from the batter. (I cut mine to short, cos I only had a few). Arrange them in a way so that when you slice the cake, each piece of cake will have one banana hidden. If you plan to cut 16(4x4) pieces, then cut 16 pieces, and if you want to serve 25 (5x5), then cut 25.
9. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until skewer comes out clean
10. Leave cake to cool for 10 minutes and remove from pan to cool down completely on cooling rack. Chill in fridge for 30 minutes, or just freeze it for 10 mins before frosting.
The Ganache (You can do this before the cake)100gm dark chocolate
100gm whipping cream
1. Break chocolate and put into a small whipping bowl.(big enough for you to use the mixer with)
2. Heat whipping cream until there are bubbles along the periphery.
3. Pour scalded cream onto chocolates. Leave for 1 minute.
4. Gently stir the chocolate until a smooth ganache is achieved.
5. Leave to cool, coverand chill in fridge until time of use. Chill the beaters too.
6. When the cake is cool, remove ganache from fridge.
7. Beat ganache until it turns light in colour, like Milo. Do not overbeat.
8. Spread whipped ganache onto cooled cake immediately.
9. Slice cake and serve.
**komen RATU: portion cake kat atas tu perlu didoublekan utk bday kek.. hehehe... RATU tak tahu ukuran loyang yg dipakai tp yg kecik dr biasa.. kalau pakai yg biasa punya (pun tak tahu ukuran) kek tu jd nipis ya amat.... nnt RATu try doublekan sukatan next time, then i'll post the comment here again!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Imran's 5th Birthday
Happy 5th Bday Abang Ngah...
Ini celebration bday a.ngah yg dibuat on 25th Dec 2010 .... walaupun tak grand sgt, tp meriah.. dgn mkanan... ingtkan tak habis mkanannye sbb nmpk mknan lg byk dr tetamu... tp by maghrib, alhamdulillah... hanya cuci pinggan shj.. hehehe.... semua lciin esp kek bday... sbbnya kek tu ticittt je... sorry sayang ye... tahun depan mama buat yg besar punya... ini 1st time buat resepi ni.
Ini celebration bday a.ngah yg dibuat on 25th Dec 2010 .... walaupun tak grand sgt, tp meriah.. dgn mkanan... ingtkan tak habis mkanannye sbb nmpk mknan lg byk dr tetamu... tp by maghrib, alhamdulillah... hanya cuci pinggan shj.. hehehe.... semua lciin esp kek bday... sbbnya kek tu ticittt je... sorry sayang ye... tahun depan mama buat yg besar punya... ini 1st time buat resepi ni.
Kek Bday Abg Ngah is Chocolate Hidden Banana Cake with IronMan theme. Resepi cake nnt in the next entry ye.... i had fun introducing this cake to the kids because i told them to find the surprise in the cake as they do not see the cake in the making.... ( i guess that's why the cake gone too fast! :-))
Ok, here are the foods.... main course.. ns ayam hainan & ayam barbecue... Rsp ns ayam hainan, in the next entry hokeh? I love the smell and taste of sesame oil in tht hainan chicken rice...
My dear abang ngah, may you grow up be anak yg soleh dan berjaya dengan cemerlang dlm apa jua bidang yang diceburi dunia & akhirat. Semoha hidup abg ngah sentiasa dlm redha dan keberkatan Allah Taa'la. We loves you very much my dear!
Homemade Laksam & kuah... yummyyy!!!!
Uish... lama sungguh tak hapdet blog ni... penat gak nk bersihkan sawang2 yg bergantungan.. heheheh.... tak sompek nk cerita ceriti panjang la... Byk n3 tertunda.. almaklum, kalau tiap2 hari masak tp seminggu sekali je sempat update cerita, dah brp byk gambar dah hang kat dlm kamera tu...
Nway, ni cerita bangga diri sendiri.. ahakkss!! Ku telah berjaya buat laksam homemade!!! Hinss...hnsss.. idung kembang jap... resepi amik dr Yani MyR - ku c&p je kat sini... laksam mmg mabeles.. lembuttt je... so kiranya sukatan laksam dr resepi di bwah tak perlu nk derhaka ye.. folo sebjibik sejibun.... tp.. errr.. tang kuah dia tu.... takleh nk komen sbb bonda ku buat versi die sendiri... nnt tgk le gambo kuah dia tu.. pekat likat dgn ikan.. heheheh... itulah puas hati buat sendiri... nk buh ikan byk mana pun tak kedekut sbb nk mkn sedap... resepi kuah bonda tak sempat lak mintak... nnt next time kitorg buat lagi, kita share resepi kuah bonda lak ye...
Bhn2 cili:cili merah
1.Cara buat laksam: Gaulkan semua bahan-bahan. Sapukan tudung periuk dengan sedikit minyak masak-utk mengelak dari melekat. Ambik sedikit adunan dan letakkan di atas tudung periuk. Kukus sampai masak.
2.Bila dah masak, keluarkan. Biarkan sekejap sebelum digulung- supaya laksam kelihatan licin dan cantik. Sementara tu letaklah sedikit adunan ke atas tudung periuk lain dan kukus sampai masak. Ulang sampai habis
3.Untuk kuah: kisar isi ikan, halia, bawang putih, bawang merah dan lada hitam. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam periuk bersama bahan-bahan lain. Masak sehingga agak pekat.
4.Untuk cili: cili merah tumbuk dgn belacan,tambah grm skit dan perahkan limau
Nway, ni cerita bangga diri sendiri.. ahakkss!! Ku telah berjaya buat laksam homemade!!! Hinss...hnsss.. idung kembang jap... resepi amik dr Yani MyR - ku c&p je kat sini... laksam mmg mabeles.. lembuttt je... so kiranya sukatan laksam dr resepi di bwah tak perlu nk derhaka ye.. folo sebjibik sejibun.... tp.. errr.. tang kuah dia tu.... takleh nk komen sbb bonda ku buat versi die sendiri... nnt tgk le gambo kuah dia tu.. pekat likat dgn ikan.. heheheh... itulah puas hati buat sendiri... nk buh ikan byk mana pun tak kedekut sbb nk mkn sedap... resepi kuah bonda tak sempat lak mintak... nnt next time kitorg buat lagi, kita share resepi kuah bonda lak ye...
oh yer... utk ulam2an... biasanya ada taugeh, timun, bunga kantan, daun kesum, kcg panjang, kubis... tp heheheh... memandangkan kitorg hanya mkn timun je, yg lain2 tu bonda dan ayahanda je yg makan, so apa yg ada je lah kitorg buat ulam.. tgk ulam kat atas tu mcm tak semenggah je kan.. tp jadila dr takde....
oh lagi satu gambar lupa nk posing, sambal cili mkn dgn laksam ni... pastu style kitorg akan ada belacan & garam letak side by side dlm another piring...
cara kitorg mkn, letak laksam, curah kuah, tabur ulam2, cubit sambal, cubit belacan sket + garam, pastu perenyek (err.... maksudnya 'lenyek' kalau dlm bahasa standard :-) ) dlm pinggan laksam tu.. then bismillah.. ngapp!!! dah lama tak mkn style kelate... dpt mkn ni, bertambah2... yg beli kat pasar mlm, walau ore kelate yg buat, dah dicommercialkan.. heheheh... tak pueh ati gak, kena buat sendiri
ok, memandangkan ada cuti panjang esok ni, cuba2 le buat sendiri laksam ni.. dr resepi di bawah, boleh menjamu selera 4 dewasa and 3 kids....
Laksam -Yani MyR -->
Bahan-bahan ( 2-3 orang )3cwn tpg beras
1/2 cwn tpg gandum
4cwn air suam
Bahan kuah:Ikan(direbus,dibuang tulang)-mcm nk buat laksa tuh
Sdkt halia
Sdkt bwg putih
Sdkt bwg merah/besar
Sdkt lada hitam/serbuk lada hitam pon ok
Asam keping
Sdkt garam
Sedikit gula merah/gula
1/2 cwn tpg gandum
4cwn air suam
Bahan kuah:Ikan(direbus,dibuang tulang)-mcm nk buat laksa tuh
Sdkt halia
Sdkt bwg putih
Sdkt bwg merah/besar
Sdkt lada hitam/serbuk lada hitam pon ok
Asam keping
Sdkt garam
Sedikit gula merah/gula
Bhn2 cili:cili merah
1.Cara buat laksam: Gaulkan semua bahan-bahan. Sapukan tudung periuk dengan sedikit minyak masak-utk mengelak dari melekat. Ambik sedikit adunan dan letakkan di atas tudung periuk. Kukus sampai masak.
2.Bila dah masak, keluarkan. Biarkan sekejap sebelum digulung- supaya laksam kelihatan licin dan cantik. Sementara tu letaklah sedikit adunan ke atas tudung periuk lain dan kukus sampai masak. Ulang sampai habis
3.Untuk kuah: kisar isi ikan, halia, bawang putih, bawang merah dan lada hitam. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam periuk bersama bahan-bahan lain. Masak sehingga agak pekat.
4.Untuk cili: cili merah tumbuk dgn belacan,tambah grm skit dan perahkan limau
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