Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mari Belajar Bulan-Bulan Islam...:-)

Let's see why this blog not much foodies posts now ----> because mama is busy being a tuition teacher to my kids... hehehe... kat bawah ni is what i prepared alat bantuan mengajar utk anak2 belajar kat rumah or even during journey...  i made these out of cereal boxes... now we are talking about recycling ...
**ok, need to introduce recycling in my next syllybus to the kids.. :-)**

now i'm introducing days and months ... this can cover subject English and Mathematics... and Islamic studies also.. cos i also did Hijr Months for them to memorise... oh well, my other source to teach islamic calendar to the kids ---> use it along with nasyid from RAIHAN Bulan-Bulan Islam.. catchy song for kids to memorise...  or use the mp3 attched here - can attract kids attention more because it's the voices of kids... of Adikku Sayang.... 

How i used the above?
1) Teach the kids the name of the months accordingly
2) Introduce the numbers for the months... like January = 1, February = 2.. and so on...
3) Reshuffle the cards.. let the kids arrange it in order.
4) reshuffle the number of the months.. let them match number and months
5) play games with the cards... mix and match or anything you prefer.. eg sing the song.. whoever can finish it correctly wins it! and if it's a game, there should be prizes waiting for the winner... a homemade cupcake will do! nyumm..nyum....
6) teach the concept of BEFORE and AFTER
7) teach the concept of TODAY, TOMORROW and YESTERDAY
*item 6 & 7 are to be taught when the kids properly grasp the idea of months and days*

Oh yes... the lists go on.. you just need to be creative.. and enjoy learning with your kids!

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